Restorative Dentistry

Your  smile is important to us. Our restorative dentistry services include fillings, crowns, bridges, bruxism appliances (nightguard) and whitening trays.

We offer state of the art technology including:

1. digital xrays- 2/3 less radiation than traditional processed film

2. intraoral camera- you will be able to see the 'fractured tooth' on the screen

3. white fillings- anterior bonding for traumatized or decayed  front teeth and white posterior    fillings

4. isolite suction- comfortable soft rubber that retracts the tongue, suctions and protects the throat from 'crumbs' or excessive water during tooth preparation

5.  topical anesthetic placed on the gum before any injection

6. televisions directly on the ceiling for viewing



American Dental Association Tongue-tied Academy Graduate American Board of Pediatric Dentistry